
Top 5 man made things farthest form earth.

Top 5 man made things farthest from earth. This blog for the people who thinks the world is small and no one know what is behind our solar system, by reading the blog you will think that 'how our scientist working hard to know the world'. so lets start......                                           1. Voyager 1 voyager 1 is the space probe launched by NASA on 5th september 1977. It is the first man made object farthest from the earth. It is more than 147 AU ( Astronomical Unit-It is distance between sun and earth ) away from earth (1 AU=14,95,97,871 KM ) It leaves our solar system and entered in the interstellar space.On 25 august 2012 it crosses the heliopause and entered in the interstellar space. Voyger 1 But the amazing thing about this probe it that it is 20 hrs and 31 min light time away from earth and  light travels near about 3 lakh Km/sec in space. The mission of  voyager 1 was to explore the atmosphere, magnetic fields and moons of the Sa
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